UK Emergency Medical Transport - Ambulance Service
operates in partnership with most of the NHS Ambulance Trusts throughout the UK.
We provide a cost effective - Accident & Emergency Ambulance provision, that helps support the ever increasing demands placed on our NHS.
All of our - Accident & Emergency Ambulances are staffed by highly skilled, expertly trained, Clinical crews.
We provide Paramedic led crews all Registered with the ( HCPC ) Health and Care Professions Council working with experienced IHCD Technicians
and Ambulance Care Assistants who are proud to provide, Clinically-Led - Patient Focused - Quality Care.
UK Emergency Medical Transport - Accident & Emergency Ambulances Services
are committed to helping people with Urgent Care needs " to get the right care, in the right place, first time ".
UK Emergency Medical Transport - Ambulance Service - provide a Safe, Caring, Expertly Trained, Cost Effective and Efficient Service.
Operating 24Hrs a day from our Headquarters in Manchester and from other network Regional Control Centres across the UK
all of our Ambulance Teams have access to 24/7 Clinical support from Senior Clinical Managers including Specialist Doctors,
HCPC Paramedics and Qualified Nurses.
Our Modern and extensive Fleet Of Emergency Ambulances are all Equipped with the latest Technology & Life Saving Equipment
to Ensure our Patients and Clients have the very best in Clinical Care and operational efficiency.